And yeah i cant get the game to start - last accessed on
↑ General Network Troubleshooting - last accessed on.
↑ No dedicated servers mean this is practically a single player game.
↑ Borderlands 3 Crossplay Update! - last accessed on.
↑ Gearbox producer Patrick Fenn on Twitter - last accessed on " split screen shall be a console exclusive feature".
↑ Borderlands 3 - Changing the Language on Epic - last accessed on.
↑ Borderlands 3 - Dolby - last accessed on.
The rear speakers were used for positional audio on the 5.1 system. Tested with an Xbox 360 Razer Onza controller. Right after game launch, each menu was navigated and the game was briefly played with an Xbox 360 Razer Onza controller. With smoothing enabled, the reticle always failed to reach the starting position when moving the mouse back quicker.
↑ Bugs and Glitches Mega Thread (SPOILERS) 3 - last accessed on.
↑ Bugs and Glitches Mega Thread (SPOILERS) 2 - last accessed on.
Tested at 3840x2160 custom resolution, reflected in much lower than normal FPS.
↑ Cloud Saves Not syncing - last accessed on.
↑ Cloud Saves Not Working - last accessed on.
↑ Get Borderlands 3 loot with Twitch Prime - last accessed on.
↑ - Get Ready for Next-Level Mayhem with Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 - last accessed on.
↑ - Borderlands 3 - Season Pass - last accessed on.
↑ DSOGaming - Gearbox has removed Denuvo from Borderlands 3 - last accessed on.